Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
ASDA CASHPOT for schools - we are registered! Do you shop in ASDA and use the ASDA rewards app? see NEWS below.  | Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these regularly for updates or further addition of dates. More dates will be added as we move through September. | P2/P3/P4/P5/P6/P7 Parent Information sessions take place next TUESDAY 17th September at 6pm/6:30pm - see poster in NEWS/Parentmail for details.  | P7 parents - RE: Greenhill residential trip - please see PARENTMAIL sent on Monday 9th. | Lafayette Photography will be in school on TUESDAY 17th Sep to take each CLASS GROUP photo - if you DO NOT wish your child to be in this photo (it will be used for display purposes and added to the class page of the school website) please let your child's teacher know before the 17th. 
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Report Pupil Absence

If a child is absent for any reason, parents/guardians should notify the school, explaining their absence by using the 'Report Pupil Absence' form below or by contacting the school via telephone. 
By completing this form the information will be passed on to your child's class teacher and the office staff.