Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 are still open via EA Connect. Applications close at 12noon this Friday. | After School Clubs begin this week - all dates/times on website calendar. | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details issued via Parentmail-  booking open for February places from Monday 20th January - Wednesday 29th January.  | P7 pupils receive their SEAG result this Saturday - we wish all pupils the best of luck. Parents of Primary 7 pupils will receive (this Wednesday) information via Parentmail regarding the opening of the Post Primary application portal. | P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' in early February - ticket information will be out via Parentmail on Monday 20th January.
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Aims and Values

Caring  - provide a stimulating, happy, caring and secure learning environment where everyone can make mistakes and develop resilience

Awareness – develop and promote an awareness of the social skills necessary to be a contributing member of the community both in and out of school

Motivation motivate the children to develop lively, enquiring, imaginative and creative minds

Positivity - promote positive attitudes and encourage respect for self, others and the environment

Health - develop a healthy lifestyle and nurture a sense of responsibility in preparation for their future

Independence – encourage self-confidence and independence

Learning - provide learning opportunities for the pupils to develop their potential through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum

Links – foster good links between the school and the home and   between the school and the wider community                                     


Praise – develop an environment of praise and positive reinforcement

Self-Evaluation - encourage children to self-evaluate and become  reflective thinkers