Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
ASDA CASHPOT for schools - we are registered! Do you shop in ASDA and use the ASDA rewards app? see NEWS below.  | Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these regularly for updates or further addition of dates. More dates will be added as we move through September. | P2/P3/P4/P5/P6/P7 Parent Information sessions take place next TUESDAY 17th September at 6pm/6:30pm - see poster in NEWS/Parentmail for details.  | P7 parents - RE: Greenhill residential trip - please see PARENTMAIL sent on Monday 9th. | Lafayette Photography will be in school on TUESDAY 17th Sep to take each CLASS GROUP photo - if you DO NOT wish your child to be in this photo (it will be used for display purposes and added to the class page of the school website) please let your child's teacher know before the 17th. 
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Aims and Values

Caring  - provide a stimulating, happy, caring and secure learning environment where everyone can make mistakes and develop resilience

Awareness – develop and promote an awareness of the social skills necessary to be a contributing member of the community both in and out of school

Motivation motivate the children to develop lively, enquiring, imaginative and creative minds

Positivity - promote positive attitudes and encourage respect for self, others and the environment

Health - develop a healthy lifestyle and nurture a sense of responsibility in preparation for their future

Independence – encourage self-confidence and independence

Learning - provide learning opportunities for the pupils to develop their potential through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum

Links – foster good links between the school and the home and   between the school and the wider community                                     


Praise – develop an environment of praise and positive reinforcement

Self-Evaluation - encourage children to self-evaluate and become  reflective thinkers