Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
OPEN DAY - this Friday 13th December for all prospective Sep'25 P1 pupils and their parents - see details in NEWS below and under 'Our School' - 'School Admissions'. Our School's Admission Criteria can be found in this area too.  | Our new modular classroom works has now started...... please be aware of site traffic and works whilst moving around the school grounds. This work is happening at the bottom end of the P1/4 side of the school.  | 'Split the Pot' update - WEDNESDAY 11th Dec we have a total of £928.00 sitting in 'our pot'!! with still 1 week to go..... Someone will be getting a BIG CASH prize this Christmas.....Keep entering...... | P3/4/5 pupils and members of the Senior Choir and Orchestra who are involved in the CAROL SERVICE - please complete permission form sent via PARENTMAIL on Mon. 9th Dec. Last day to purchase tickets is Fri. 13th Dec.  | Sustrans 'Journey to Santa' continues - See NEWS (25/11/24) below for more details... | Listen to our Senior Choir on RADIO CRACKER 107.6FM at 9:50am on air this THURSDAY 12th Dec. | Our P6/7 choir are scheduled to feature at the end of BBC Newsline (BBC1 NI) at 6:30pm and at the end of Good Morning Ulster (BBC Radio Ulster 94.5 FM) at 8:55am on MONDAY 16th December. There will also be a number of trails on all of the news bulletins next weekend and on the breakfast and lunchtime news on Monday 16th December. Also look out for some behind the scenes footage/trails on the BBC Newsline Facebook page. | P7 parents - see information sent via Parentmail about 'Love for Life' coming into school on Tues. 7th Jan. | P7 - Swimming starts on Mon.6th January - Payment details are out via PARENTMAIL on Mon. 9th Dec. | Primary 7 parents - Post Primary Schools Admissions Criteria now live on the EA website - You can also see each school's criteria saved under our own 'Primary 7' Class page. | Well done to our P1/2 pupils who did an amazing job last week performing their Nativity Play - have a look at their video snippets from their Dress Rehearsal show on Monday 2nd December. (Under 'NEWS') 
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Inspection Report

In MAY 2017 we were once again inspected through a 'Sustaining Improvement' inspection. 

Key findings were as follows:-

The original inspection in February 2011, evaluated the overall effectiveness of Camphill Primary School as very good. The school took part in the pilot of the sustaining improvement inspection (SII) in June 2014. A second SII was conducted on 31 May 2017.

The inspection focused on evaluating the extent to which the school is capable of demonstrating its capacity to effect improvement through self-evaluation and effective school development planning. The school also provided evidence of provision for safeguarding as part of the inspection.

The lines of inquiry during the SII were:

• developing further the teaching and learning within numeracy with a particular focus on mental mathematics and problem solving; and

• developing effective practice in Physical Education (PE) by enhancing the learning and teaching in PE across the curriculum, in particular, through the World Around Us.

Key findings

• There is a well-embedded culture of self-evaluation at all levels; the senior leadership and co-ordinators monitor and evaluate systematically and rigorously all aspects of the provision and the impact on the children’s learning. The detailed planning for numeracy and PE makes effective connections across the curriculum to link more meaningfully the children’s learning experiences. The staff have undertaken relevant, associated staff development to build continuity, progression and challenge in both numeracy and PE; the co-ordinators’ detailed evaluations of learning and teaching inform accurately subsequent actions for improvement.

• The school gives high priority to the development of the children’s physical and mental health and well-being through a wide range of planned curricular programmes and after-school activities.



Back in June 2014 we participated in a 'Sustaining Improvement' Inspection. The key findings in June 2014 were the following:-

In the original inspection held in February 2011, Camphill Primary School was evaluated overall as very good. The school has now, in June 2014, had a Sustaining Improvement Inspection which requires the school to demonstrate that it is sustaining improvement, improving provision and raising standards through effective school development planning.

Since the last inspection, a new principal and vice-principal have been appointed.

Key Findings

There is clear evidence of significant progress being made in the key priorities set out in the school development plan. These include improvements in the range and standards of the children's writing and the development of children's thinking skills through a more focused approach to the teaching of mathematical processes. The provision for pastoral care in the school has also been enhanced by the appointment of a full-time family worker who is also a member of the school's safeguarding team.

The school has a rigorous and honest culture of self-evaluation leading to improvement, which involves all members of the school community. The school presented a wide range of evidence to demonstrate clearly how their evaluations of the children's learning and their effective use of internal data have led to changes in learning and teaching which have impacted positively on the provision and the outcomes for all the children.


Camphill Primary School continues to demonstrate its capacity for sustained self-improvement.

Please see the ETI website for full inspection reports - February 2011, June 2014 & May 2017.