Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
We will be supporting the NSPCC 'Talking Pants' awareness campaign during May - see NEWS below (8th May). | This week (8th May) sees the start of Summer Assessments in school - all P3/P4/P5/6/7 pupils will be sitting assessments this week and next - - please make sure your child is in school so they do not miss these important summer standardised tests. | On Weds. 8th May our Senior Choir are performing at The Braid as part of the Ballymena Young Conquerors Spring Concert - photos to follow. | 'The Amazing Journey' travelling Bible exhibition is in school this THURSDAY for P3-P7 pupils - see NEWS below for more information. | 'Little Stars' booking opens (Weds. 8th) for the block - Mon. 13th May - Friday 14th June - all bookings must be made by this Friday. | P2 pupils can now purchase from the CANTEEN at BREAKTIME on a THURSDAY during May & June - see breaktime menu (under PARENTS area) - children will be able to purchase an item such as a pancake/slice of toast etc.... this is to prepare the P2 children for having access to Breaktime snacks everyday from P3. | P6 parents - please look out for information in your Parentmail for the P7 2025 residential school trip. | P6 pupils continue their 'Peaceplayers' Basketball sessions with St.Colmcilles this week - - has your child's online permission form to travel to St.Colmcilles been completed?  | P6/P7 - a Safer Schools ICT permission form (paper copy) will be home this week with information about what P6/7 pupils will be taking part in on Tues 14t May. | P7 'Leavers' Ballymena Guardian photo for their June supplement - will be taken this Thursday 9th - normal school jumper/uniform/black shoes to be worn. | Afterschools JuJitsu is now ready to open - club dates in MAY - see website calendar (information home via Parentmail on Weds. 8th May) | Save the Date - TUES 14th May - Parent's breakfast in the school hall - 9am - 10:45am - come along and hear up-to-date information from SAFER SCHOOLS about keeping your child safe online - See NEWS - 29/4/24. Help us plan for seating and food on the morning by completing the online form sent via Parentmail on WEDS 1st MAY. Thank you. | Online uniform orders (orders made in March/April) are home with your child this week. | Online School Uniform shop is opened - closes - Friday 24th May for delivery to school 17th June....... if you require new school uniform for September please order as soon as possible.  | Nurture Room - we are delighted to announce that we will soon be seeing the ground work commence for our additional classroom (Our Nurture Room) - planning has been passed, EA have issued the works and we hope to see the modular classroom arrive on site by early September, with ground work starting in the summer months. This classroom will be placed outside the Primary 4 end of the building. 
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RRS in these Unusual Times......

20th Apr 2020

Welcome back to everyone after a very unusual Easter break. As we are all aware, health is something we are all thinking a lot about at the minute. It is in the interest of protecting as many people as possible that schools and businesses are closed. A large part of our world has been affected by Coronavirus and staying at home is a measure to help us get through this health crisis. It is now more important than ever that we consider the rights of children. While we cannot meet in our classrooms, we will continue our RRS journey by examining a different Article each week.

This week’s Article is :

Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious that children can stay healthy.

Article 24


Follow up:

Foundation Stage- Can you have a talk with an adult in your house about why the government think staying at home will help keep us safe?

Key Stage One- Get a piece of paper. In the middle of the page write PEOPLE HELPING TO KEEP US SAFE AT THE MINUTE.  Draw and label some people you think are doing this important job.

Key Stage Two- New hospitals being built are called Nightingales. Can you research who they are named after and what this person did to help healthcare?

Remember to keep checking the RRS web page for information and updates.