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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Parent/Teacher 'pupil progress' meetings take place this week - MONDAY - THURSDAY - school closes at 1:45pm from Monday - Thursday. P6 children remain in school to 2:30pm on Monday for swimming. | M&M productions brings 'ALADDIN' to school this Friday - money raised from 'Break the Rules' day will help pay the cost of this (£780.00) - this is therefore a 'free' event for the pupils. School will close at 2:30pm for ALL P1-P7 children (with the exception of 'Little Stars' pupils) on Friday.  | 'Little Stars'/'Big Stars' will start at the earlier time of 1:45pm this week and run as normal - there will be NO 'BIG STARS' on Friday.... 'Little Stars' however will be on to 3pm. | BUS information this week - The 2pm bus will run as normal from MONDAY-THURSDAY. The 3pm bus will only run on MONDAY (for P6 pupils) and FRIDAY (all P1-P7 pupils) this week. | This week in school we will be running a 'seconds' SCHOOL UNIFORM stall - there is a small amount of stock (mainly smaller sizes) priced at a reduced cost due to being seconds..... the office staff will be available to sell uniform from this stall between 1:30pm - 3:30pm each day.  | Remember we need your views via the 'Being Well Doing Well' survey sent out last week - the questionnaire will close on Friday 25th October at 12noon.  | Does your child need a space in 'LITTLE STARS' / 'BIG STARS' in NOVEMBER - booking opens at 6pm on Mon. 21st Oct and closes on Friday 25th Oct.  | P2 parents - See Parentmail - 'Three Little Builders' STEM workshop in school on Tues. 5th Nov. | P3 & P4AMcL parents - please see Parentmail sent on Thurs. 17th Oct regarding an invitation to a 'Fresh Little Minds' workshop in early November. | P4 parents - see Parentmail - Class Visit to Ballymena Library on 7th November | P6 parents - See Parentmail - Trip to Ballymena Academy to see School Musical on Tues. 5th Nov. | P6 parents - See information in Parentmail regarding a 'Viking Workshop' coming to school in Jan'25. | P7 parents - have you your October payment made for your child's residential trip to Greenhill? | P7 parents - pupils go to Cambridge House to see 'Beauty & The Beast' this Wednesday - have you paid your bus payment? | Reminder - Ski Trip meeting along with Carniny PS - 7:30pm on Tuesday 22nd October. | 'BREAK THE RULES' fundraiser is coming this FRIDAY - see POSTER in NEWS below...... On the day come to school with your poster having 'ticked' which rules you are breaking!! Let's have lots of fun!  | Pupils who receive EA Music Lessons - all fees must be paid by this FRIDAY 25th OCTOBER... EA music lessons will not continue in November unless this payment is made.  | ANNUAL TOY SALE is coming in November...... look out for information coming home before the Halloween break.. maybe over the holidays pupils can start to gather any unwanted toys and send them into school for the sale.  | School will close for the Halloween break on Friday (25th) at 2:30pm (3pm for 'Little Stars') and re-open again on Monday 4th November.
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P7AS on Eco Day

29th Apr 2024

We had a great day on Friday learning about pollinators, in particular the mining bee, which is a solitary bee.  We spent time making plant pots out of old newspaper and planted seeds in them and we also made Cheerio necklaces for the birds. 

We spent some time drawing our own mining bees and then displayed them in our trough box after planting some flowers.

Keep an eye out for our beautiful plants in bloom! 🌸