Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P1 parents - please see Parentmail re: P2 pouch/bag purchase for Sep'24. | P4 parents - please make sure all payments/permissions for the upcoming trip to W5 and visit by 'Wee Critters' are completed by this Friday. Thank you. | Sports Days - Weather permitting will run next week - WEDS - P3/4 - THURS - P5/6/7 - FRI - P1/P2 - see times on website calendar. Pupils in P1- P4 to wear school polo shirt/school jumper and own choice of bottoms and trainers on their Sports Day. P5/6/7 pupils should come to school on Sports Day wearing full PE KIT - PE shorts & t-shirt and school jumper. 
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P7AM Safer Internet Day

8th Feb 2023

On Tuesday we took some time to discuss our internet use for Internet Safety Day. We listened to some articles on Newsdesk and discussed how we can use the internet in a positive way. It was fun to talk about our favourite apps and websites and how we use the internet on a daily basis, without even realising that we are in some cases! On a more serious note, we explored how we can’t trust everything we read online and reminded ourselves how we can remain safe when using the internet.