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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
This week sees Summer Assessments continue in school - all P3/P4/P5/P6/P7 pupils will be sitting assessments this week. Please make sure your child is in school so they do not miss these important summer standardised tests. | All parents - look out for an 'Expression of Interest' online form this week via PARENTMAIL regarding 'Little Stars' & a new 'Big Stars' afterschool club from Sep'24 - please complete this online form by Mon.20th May as your information in your 'return' will be important to us in planning ahead.  | Tinylife - Can you help? see NEWS below (13/5/24) | P2 parents - have you completed the permission form/paid for your child's summer trip? - last day to do this is this Friday 17th May. | P5 parents - have you completed the permission form/paid for your child's summer trip? - last day to do this is this Friday 17th May. | P6 parents - P7 2025 residential school trip and summer class trip to Windsor Park Football Stadium information sent via Parentmail - please note last day for booking a P7 residential trip place is this FRIDAY 17th May. | P7 parents -see information in CLASS webpage & via Parentmail re: notifications of Post-Primary Schools this Saturday. | Afterschools JuJitsu begins this THURSDAY - BOOKINGS open until Tues.14th - (information home via Parentmail on Weds. 8th May) | Join us next week from the 20th - 24th May as we try to become more active as a school. (See NEWS below 15/5/24) We are encouraging as many of our children as possible to walk to and/from school next week as part of 'Walk to School Week'. | Online School Uniform shop is opened - closes - Friday 24th May for delivery to school 17th June....... if you require new school uniform for September please order as soon as possible.  | New P1 Families (Sep'24) will be receiving OPEN AFTERNOON information via PARENTMAIL on Monday 13th May.
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EA provision of Special Educational Needs

3rd Nov 2021

Please find below information from the Education Authority seeking your views on the provision of Special Educational Needs within schools - closing date is Wednesday 10th November 2021.


We are currently reviewing how we provide information to parents, young people, schools, stakeholders and the wider public in relation to our Special Educational Needs (SEN) services and supports.

Our overall aim is to make it easier, clearer and more straightforward to access information about SEN services and support available, helping every child to be equipped and empowered to reach their potential.

As part of this process, we have launched an online questionnaire to provide the public and interested stakeholders the opportunity to have their say on how they would prefer to access information on SEN services.

The feedback will help review how we inform and guide parents/carers, teachers, children and young people, and other interested stakeholders, in relation to our SEN services in the future.

This will ultimately shape the development and publication of the EA Plan of its arrangements for Special Educational Provision in Northern Ireland next year.

The questionnaire can be accessed at the below link:

We would invite parents/ carers and anyone else within the school community with an interest in EA’s SEN services to complete a questionnaire by Wednesday 10th November 2021.