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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
This week is Children's Mental Health Week - as a school we recognise the importance of this week as we consider the challenges our children face in day-to-day life. The theme this year is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself' and this week classes will be exploring self-awareness.  | School closes at 2pm on Friday 7th February for the Half-Term break and re-opens on Monday 17th February. | The 2pm & 3pm bus will run as normal this Friday. | This Friday - both the 2pm/3pm Art Club runs as normal and Little Stars is also on - there is NO Big Stars - all LS/BS pupils must be collected no later than 3pm. | If you ordered uniform in early January via the 'online shop' this will be home with your child this week. | Ballymena Festival - Junior & Senior Choir members - parental permission form being sent out via Parentmail on Tuesday 4th Feb - to be completed by Mon. 17th February.  | P5 pupils begin their Shared Education project with Mary Queen of Peace this Tuesday via an online 'meet up' - parents please see permission form home (via Parentmail on Tues. 4th Feb) for their face-to-face meet up at MQP school after half-term. This form must be completed by Monday 17th February.  | All P6/P7 pupils are home on Monday 3rd February with their purchased tickets for this weeks production - a Parentmail with all timings/information needed for the next few days was sent on Monday 3rd Feb at 5pm.  | Afterschools Hockey is still on this week for P5/6/7 pupils on Thursday at 3pm - any P6/7 show pupils wishing to stay for this can still do so and supervision is available in school until the club starts at 3pm.  | P7 pupils/parents will be receiving information about purchasing the Term 3 Leavers Hoodies on Friday 7th February via Parentmail. | World Book Day is coming on Thursday 6th March- On Thursday 6th Feb information will be placed in 'NEWS' below about the arrangements for this day.  | P7 parents - please remember the February payment for 'Greenhill' is now open for payment - last day to make this payment is Friday 28th Feb. 
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P5 Doodle Maths and AR Congratulations 🥳

27th Apr 2020

Wow what a great week of doodling and reading in P5!! It was so close but P6JH were the winning class last week – let’s see if it can be a P5 class this week!

Doodle Maths

A big congratulations to Rory H in P5EG and Ryan Mui in P5LY for being our ‘Top Doodlers’ this week! 👏🏻 Well done to you both, your certificates are attached.

Congratulations to all of the people who managed to end the week in the green zone:

P5EG: Andrea, Connie, Erin, James, Jamie, Jessica, Rory and Soni

P5LY: Stephen, Shannon, Sonny, Ryan, Ryan, Kate, Jakub, Evie, Chloe, Brandon and Amy

Let’s see if we can have lots more people in the green zone by next Monday!


A special mention to all of the people who have been taking AR tests this week too 📚

P5EG: Kendal, Charlie, Rory, James, Jamie, Connie, Jacob T and Andrea

P5LY: Tom, Ella, Shannon and Ryan Mil

I wonder how many more people can be on this list by next week?

It is great to see so many of you working so hard at home – keep up the good work! 🥳