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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 are still open via EA Connect. Applications close at 12noon this Friday. | After School Clubs begin this week - all dates/times on website calendar. | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details issued via Parentmail-  booking open for February places from Monday 20th January - Wednesday 29th January.  | P7 pupils receive their SEAG result this Saturday - we wish all pupils the best of luck. Parents of Primary 7 pupils will receive (this Wednesday) information via Parentmail regarding the opening of the Post Primary application portal. | P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' in early February - ticket information will be out via Parentmail on Monday 20th January.
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School update - Monday 16th March - 3:00pm

16th Mar 2020

Dear Parent

You will be aware that there is great uncertainty and speculation in regard to appropriate actions needed to be taken by schools to combat the spread of Coronavirus. Indeed, it is evident that our Government cannot even agree on the best way forward. As of this afternoon the Minister of Education has made it clear that all schools will remain open.  We as a school continue to follow advice published by the Dept. of Education and the Public Health Agency. 

At this point I do not know answers to a lot of questions - I do not know if schools will close, I do not know if schools will be given time to prepare for closure, I do not know if staff will have access to our building, I do not know how long school transport will remain for, I do not know how long schools could be closed for, I just do not know!

Therefore whether we agree with the Minister of Education or not school will continue to be open at present  - for how long this will be - we just don't know. Many of us have elderly relatives and family members who are particularly vulnerable to serious illness.  I understand that many parents are deeply concerned that their child may become ill or transmit infection to other relatives. I can offer no medical advice or expertise on this matter; however I can offer you a reassurance that I support any decision you take as a family to protect yourselves - our numbers in school today were down significantly.  I also wish to reassure everyone that there has been important changes to our children's routines such as an increase in hand washing, hygiene and cleaning within the school.

We have taken the decision within school to cancel all After School Clubs and any planned events including our Food & Fashion Show, Eco Day, P7 Residential trip, Football and Netball matches and any visitors who were coming into school to talk to classes for the foreseeable future.  This also includes School Assemblies, Shared Education events and Swimming. Our priorities at the minute is to protect as much 'in class' timetabled work as possible.  At present we are still running 'Breakfast Club' and 'Little Stars'. 

I recognise that any decision taken will have consequences for families - this is a 'no win' situation. We are starting to put preparations in place to prepare for 'Home Learning' in these extreme circumstances.  I realise that providing work is not the same as teaching children, however it is the only course of action open to all schools. 

Updates will be communicated to parents via our Parentmail service and website as soon as anything changes.

Kind regards

Mrs. K. McMaster
